
    • Sef sighed, it had been a long day in the office and his mood didn't seem to want to improve. His wasn't fully realising what he did, as the strange curved knife that he had bought so long ago slowly kissed the surface of his skin. The tall man gently brushed a few strands of black hair back behind his left ear. It didn't make much sense to him why the world was still spinning around itself as if not noticing what had become of this senseless folk living on it.

      Nothing was going to help him to get through this all, he knew that and somehow it did not frighten him. It was his life he wasted, Sef was responsible for himself, for all of his dumb and self loathing actions.
      He didn't care whether there was someone waiting for him far away in a lonely room.
      They could kill themselves if they wanted to, who could possibly mind that?

      Outside clouds were passing by, the sky slowly filled itself with rain and thunder. Anytime somebody could be struck by lightening. Sef thought it was a kind of funny, that all this people hurrying back to their homes didn't understand what their life was worth. Nobody recognized that they drowned the earth in an endless whirl of hate and despair.
      He wouldn't be the one to tell anyone about the fate of drowning victims. It just wasn't his job.

      The knife was bloody now and his originally black trousers suddenly changed into a shade of utter red. Sef was annoyed as he felt himself weaken by the loss of blood that his body had to endure at this very moment.
      He picked up a little cloth from under his chair and pushed it down on his wound. Sef grimaced at the sudden state of pain he felt rising in his throat. Scowling he took his asthma spray out of his pocket and breathed in very deeply.
      His day really couldn't get any worse.

      to be continued
      Diese Signatur existiert nicht, sie ist nur eine Illusion die du dir selber geschaffen hast
      um die traurige Wahrheit nicht anerkennen zu müssen.
      Hast du uns gesehen?

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Tod und Verderben

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Ein Abklatsch der Phantasie lebt nicht lange
    • @kinslayer,
      yeah well, I wrote it down out of - well, nothing.
      I'm fine, but somehow I always manage to write the darkest stuff no matter what mood I am in.

      Es ist englisch weil ich es leichter finde in englisch zu schreiben als in deutsch.


      She didn't care for him deeply. No, only fools could possibly do that. Everyone knew that Sef was the kind of guy who stormed into a school with a gun in his hands because he was bored.
      But somehow Sef always managed to enter her mind without her wanting it. He took his way sneaking into her thoughts so easily.
      He always had a strange aura of melodramatic fear surrounding him that seemed to belong to his very self like the constantly black clothes he was wearing.
      It could be almost called an act of bravery, to dare to look into his eyes longer than for two seconds. They were so dark... and beautiful.
      "Wrong thought my dear, wrong thought"
      Tina sighed at what she knew what that had to be done. Ending this strange relationship was all she wanted right now. The young woman didn't listen to her heart that was hammering in her chest full of unspoken pain.
      She couldn’t understand why he always closed his heart away from her, why he was shutting the whole world out, - why he had never trusted her enough to tell her a single private thought. Tina had wanted to share her everything with him, to live her life with him - not alone. She was scared of what he might do to her if she let it all out. If she told him she wanted no future with him anymore.
      Would he beat her?
      Would Sef, the man she had loved for years even care?

      Somehow all this didn’t matter anymore, it was a fact that she was lost, a small girl in a world full of big people, full of deceitfulness and silent cries.
      Her eyes were full of hope as she raised her head and stared into the darkness. It ways raining outside. Tina watched the small drops making there way down to the long forgotten place she called earth.
      She shrieked as a sudden clap of thunder broke the silence of ever falling rain. And somehow that managed to destroy the thin wall of insensibility, that she had carefully built up around her. Soon sobs were found that struggled in her throat to come out. Tina tried to swallow her tears, but somehow it didn’t seem to work out.
      She was useless, useless and had absolutely no right to cry. Her world was fine: she had a job, her sister had just married and her boyfriend…
      At this thought she couldn’t hold it any longer, tears were flowing down her cheeks like a waterfall.
      And Tina couldn’t help it.

      to be continued
      more reviews please : P
      Diese Signatur existiert nicht, sie ist nur eine Illusion die du dir selber geschaffen hast
      um die traurige Wahrheit nicht anerkennen zu müssen.
      Hast du uns gesehen?

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Tod und Verderben

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Ein Abklatsch der Phantasie lebt nicht lange

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fichtel ()

    • @kinslayer,
      ähm... ofcourse : P
      it was awful! I discovered an allergy of mine - a new one. We had to run through a park and well, suddenly I couldn't breath properly anymore. Nja meine Nase war total zu und meine Atemwege ebenfalls, außerdem hatte ich nen riesigen Klotz im hals sodass ich dauernd husten musste und dachte ich kotz gleich. Hab fast keine Luft mehr bekommen... obwohl ich von der kondition noch gekonnt hätte... voll kacke ich hasse es keine Luft mehr zu bekommen..

      warum? isses so schlecht?
      achja ich hasse französisch^^ bin au total schlecht drin naja : P
      Diese Signatur existiert nicht, sie ist nur eine Illusion die du dir selber geschaffen hast
      um die traurige Wahrheit nicht anerkennen zu müssen.
      Hast du uns gesehen?

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Tod und Verderben

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Ein Abklatsch der Phantasie lebt nicht lange
    • Ich weiß nicht, wie schlecht es ist.

      Da ich möglichst wenig Englisch lese, oder auch mich möglichst wenig mit dieser Sprache konfrontiere, las ich nur einzelne Sätze von dir. Aber da du dich schon scheinbar selbst anzweifelst: Ja, ich hatte den Eindruck, dass eher dein Gefühl die englische Grammatik(das Quäntchen, was es da gibt) formte, als ein logischer bzw. syntaktischer Verstand, nur, damit der Text etwas hübscher klingt. Aber das tut ja nichts zur Sache. Schließlich geht es hier womöglich im weitesten Sinne um Lyrik - und die legititmiert ja schließlich jeden sprachlichen Müll. Aber das tut ja nichts zur Sache. Aber das tut ja nichts zur Sache.
    • lol
      dachte nich das meine grammatik so schlecht is mm...
      Diese Signatur existiert nicht, sie ist nur eine Illusion die du dir selber geschaffen hast
      um die traurige Wahrheit nicht anerkennen zu müssen.
      Hast du uns gesehen?

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Tod und Verderben

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Ein Abklatsch der Phantasie lebt nicht lange