The English Thread

    • The English Thread

      Hey Ho!
      Let's talk in english. This was just an idea in IRC late at night, so here it is... the official english thread! Every post in german or other languages will be deleted so just have some fun here in english :roll:
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
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    • I think this is a great idea. I bet it was fuckin' mine, a few days ago, when we talked in English in IRC. I hope you will not stop talking in English as quick as the last time. That would be horrible and my heart would break into thousands of pieces! Or something like that.
      What about the others? Get ready for the official English thread, yeah! :D
      Have fun and enjoy it. <:

      (15:03:26) (|S|)** ach, das hb ist voll mit dekadenten Usern, die geistig onanierend sich gegenseitig feiern irgendein pille-palle-thema bis zum erbrechen zu bumsen und über tittensaugen sinnieren, wo nix zu reden gibt

      **Name der Redaktion bekannt

      'I'm worst at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed.'

      'It's better to burn out, than to fade away...'
    • Yes, this thread is a good idea, we should find a subject we can talk about.
      ohh, I´m so unimaginative :(
      I hope this Threade will be continued.
      Jede Praktik jedes Augenblicks, jeder Instinkt, jede zur Tat werdende Wertschaetzung ist heute antichristlich: was fuer eine /Missgeburt von Falschheit/ muss der moderne Mensch sein, dass er sich trotzdem /nicht schaemt/, Christ zu heissen! - - -
      – Friedrich Nietzsche
    • a topic... yes, that's what we need... but how to find one? there are many things to discuss in life but when you need one... it's sad. but hey, let's talk about the funny things in life, let's talk about our generation or something like that. i don't know, i can't think anymore.
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
      - chicks with dicks - free porn -
    • Oh yeah, that's the alcohol. Horrible, these alcoholics... :rolleyes:

      A topic. About the youth, our perspectiveless generation... You call this funny? Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. Maybe it doesn't matter. Perhaps it's funny and sad at the same time, but well, I don't give a damn...
      And because of I can't fall asleep now, I will continue writing anything here, that has no real sense, untill I am tired enough to sleep.

      Oh no, I missed the recommended topic. But that's a topic, which can mean everything and nothing. A Topic suggestion should be more detailed, so everybody knows what we are talking about. :rolleyes:

      But what else can i write here? I think, the only wise thing I can say, at the moment, is 'good night'. :think:

      So, I leave it at that. :rolleyes:

      (15:03:26) (|S|)** ach, das hb ist voll mit dekadenten Usern, die geistig onanierend sich gegenseitig feiern irgendein pille-palle-thema bis zum erbrechen zu bumsen und über tittensaugen sinnieren, wo nix zu reden gibt

      **Name der Redaktion bekannt

      'I'm worst at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed.'

      'It's better to burn out, than to fade away...'
    • Sorry for this Short post, but i have to go to school. I hate this. Stand up at 6 o ´clock und come back at 2 o clock pm.
      May i have the luck and i can go earlier at Home.
      So what do you think of the Language English? Do you think it is beautiful language?
      Jede Praktik jedes Augenblicks, jeder Instinkt, jede zur Tat werdende Wertschaetzung ist heute antichristlich: was fuer eine /Missgeburt von Falschheit/ muss der moderne Mensch sein, dass er sich trotzdem /nicht schaemt/, Christ zu heissen! - - -
      – Friedrich Nietzsche
    • i like that... what i like about this language is the word "fuck" because it has so much different meanings and you can use it i nearly every fucking sentence if you want. We need such a word in german but i sounds very strange here when you use the german translation "fick"... that's a bit sad
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
      - chicks with dicks - free porn -
    • But you could say 'verfickt'. In German you have such words, too, i think, but no one of them is as good as 'fuck' in English. It has definetly more style. I like this language really, I started to learn it (really) on my own as soon as I could wright. And a few times ago, I had cassets to learn English, as far as I remember. I ever wanted to learn it, it's my favourtite language, it's easy to learn and to speak and simply great. :>

      (15:03:26) (|S|)** ach, das hb ist voll mit dekadenten Usern, die geistig onanierend sich gegenseitig feiern irgendein pille-palle-thema bis zum erbrechen zu bumsen und über tittensaugen sinnieren, wo nix zu reden gibt

      **Name der Redaktion bekannt

      'I'm worst at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed.'

      'It's better to burn out, than to fade away...'
    • drugs are bad...
      please understand this post as a protest against bad threads...

      Simply you can breath doesn't mean you are alive.

      Etwas verwest in uns. Unter diesem dünnen Lack aus Anstand, Moral und Zivilisation, gärt abgestandenes Menschsein und wenn die Membran reisst, wird die Welt ertrinken, in einem Meer aus Blut, Tränen und Pisse.

      "Wenn man mit anonymen Fremden im Internet diskutiert, muss man auf alles gefasst sein, denn fast immer entpuppen sie sich als von ihrer Unfehlbarkeit überzeugte Sechzehnjährige mit unendlich viel freier Zeit."
      Neal Stephenson
    • Original von blackrider
      drugs are bad...
      please understand this post as a protest against bad threads...

      Sorry, but if you don't like it, why can't you just stay away, fuck off and leave the people, who like to write in here, just do it? :rolleyes:

      Nobody forced you, to answer in every fuckin' (!) thread, so just leave it if you don't ike it. And if you need that kind of attention, and criticize everything, because of the world is so cruel and bad, than please, do me a favour, and give some reasons, why these thread is sooo bad. :rolleyes:

      And, before you try to explain it like "I don't like drugs!", "Drugs are bad!" or anything like that, just say nothing. Maybe you're just that sad and frustrated, because you noticed, that you can't speak English very well or what ever, but - I don't give a damn. Leave your frustrations or bad mood or whatever not here.
      As I already said - If you don't like it, just ignore it, shut up and leave these stupid nionsense- posts. Believe in me, it's the better way. :rolleyes:

      Not everyone likes it, but leave the persons alone, who do. ;)

      Thank you for your attention. :)

      (15:03:26) (|S|)** ach, das hb ist voll mit dekadenten Usern, die geistig onanierend sich gegenseitig feiern irgendein pille-palle-thema bis zum erbrechen zu bumsen und über tittensaugen sinnieren, wo nix zu reden gibt

      **Name der Redaktion bekannt

      'I'm worst at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed.'

      'It's better to burn out, than to fade away...'
    • nice post :)
      i like this thread. i opened it so i have to like it. and drugs aren't always bad...
      some drugs are bad but i like beer (yes, it's a drug) and weed.
      i don't know what to write anymore so i better stop now
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
      - chicks with dicks - free porn -
    • Over hill, over dale,
      Thorough bush, thorough brier,
      Over park, over pale,
      Thorough flood, thorough fire,
      I do wander every where,
      Swifter than the Moon's sphere;

      Hey com'on. This is pretty basic. So who's that?

      Besides i like a thread where my english keymap comes to it full use.

      But on another thought: what english i am supposed to post here? British (well, as in queens english), australian (wiithh veery bad akkzent?), american (got that straight motherfucker, i love that!) or something even weirder?

      Looking forward to your responses.
    • Yeah this saturday night on friday seems to me like a big laser pointer in my mind. Well at the moment, because, I'm at the moment really happy. I will take this opportunity, to say, that it's not funny to READ english, it's funny to hear you speaking this language. ;)

      et moin francais, c'est fantastiquement! je voudrais bien, allé on ville maintenant...
      ja, o je. ihr suhlt euch in halluzinierter genialität und flennt trotzdem unentwegt rum, weil man euch nicht zufächert und wie die herren behandelt, für die ihr euch haltet. nehmt doch euren distinktionsgewinn und dämmert sanft der umnachtung entgegen. macht es wie nietzsche!
      (spunkkkyyy - 20.1.2006 // Über das hb)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Spanky ()

    • AAAAHHH!

      ...ähm lol
      it reminds me of certain lessons of a certain subject in a certain school

      it reminds me how my french teacher shouted at me two lessons ago..
      it reminds me how much he just cannot understand.
      it reminds me of my bad marks..
      ahh yeah and so on.

      as this thread hasn't got a topic anyway I guess I'm allowed to write this senseless stuff.

      My birthday's in a week and a day!!!! yey!!!

      getting 16 at last..


      how... strange

      mhh well have fun,
      I'll be going now

      this was my first post in weeks!! or even months? lol
      Diese Signatur existiert nicht, sie ist nur eine Illusion die du dir selber geschaffen hast
      um die traurige Wahrheit nicht anerkennen zu müssen.
      Hast du uns gesehen?

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Tod und Verderben

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Ein Abklatsch der Phantasie lebt nicht lange

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fichtel ()

    • Oh my god, I cunt believe it, its the amazing English thread! I'm amazed! Completely! I'm talking english in school every week when I'm hanging around with my silly friend Mr. Giiee.
      All day whre talking english, just nonsense of no interesst, and I don't care if this post fits into this thread, cause I don't caaaare!
      Well, now its time tu push the anykey button, or you will be eaten by the wootness! ALIVE!

      bye bye :>
      Ich brauche keine Signatur.
    • i better push some more than one anykey button in a random order now until i have a complete text full of random words like this one. i won't be eaten by anything! i will eat a piece of pizza or maybe the whole pizza, i don't know...
      it's sad that i am already one hour older than an hour before... but it's ok
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
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    • because ... fuck you 11!!!!
      Time Is Like A Bullet From Behind

      Es ist die Angst vor meiner Nähe,
      Die mich fester an Dich kettet
      Und der Zorn in Deinen Augen,
      Der mich vor der Wut in mir errettet.
      Ich bin Du, und wir sind wir,
      So sehr es mich zerreißt ...